This page is work in progress
- Theoretical Physics
- Detector-2/IP8
- Software
- Monte Carlo Event Generators
- Artificial Intelligence
- Collaborative Tools
Theoretical Physics
The Theoretical Physics Working Group solicits overarching questions/topics from the EIC community for discussions involving both theorists and experimentalists. The questions or topics can be submitted on a form on their Wiki page.
The conveners are:
- Wim Cosyn (Florida International University, USA) -
- Anna Stasto (Penn State University, USA) -
- Alessandro Bacchetta (University of Pavia and INFN-Pavia, Italy) -
- Felix Ringer (Stony Brook University, USA) -
The Detector-2/IP8 Working Group is charged to
- Engage the broader community, including theorists, accelerator physicists and ePIC experimentalists, to fully develop projections for the portfolio of measurements that are complementary to the ePIC physics program, including those that capitalize on the implementation of the secondary focus.
- Work with the EICUG Steering Committee and Project to recruit new institutions and establish a diverse and vibrant 2nd Detector working group.
- Utilize the extended design period for Detector 2 to identify groups that will focus on R&D for emerging technologies that could provide another aspect of complementarity to ePIC.
- Facilitate the development of a unified concept for a general-purpose detector at IR8. In particular, the 2nd detector should be complementary to the project detector at IR6 and may capitalize on the possibility of a secondary focus at IR8.
The conveners are:
- Sangbaek Lee (ANL, USA)
- Simonetta Liuti (University of Virginia, USA)
- Pawel Nadel-Turonski (Stony Brook University, USA)
- Thomas Ullrich (BNL/Yale, USA)
- Anselm Vossen (Duke University/JLab, USA)
Drawing on experience from Yellow Report working groups, two sub-groups of the Detector-2 Working Group have been formed: one to articulate the Detector-2 physics program and its implications for detector design (“Physics”), and one to study detector concepts and quantify the implications for the physics measurements (“Detector”). The conveners are:
Physics Co-conveners
- Charles Hyde
- Bjorn Schenke
Detector Co-conveners
- Ernst Sichterman
The Detector-2 Working Group can be reached at this Mailing list.
Indico web pages for meetings can be found here.
The Detector-2/IR8 Wiki page is here.
After entering the Phase 3 defined in the EICUG Charter, the former Software Working Group (SWG) has been restructured and split into the Monte Carlo Event Generators (MCEG) Working Group and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group.
Similarly, the Computing Coordination Group (CCG) has been revisited and its functionalities transferred to a new structure named EIC Computing and Software Joint Institute (ECSJI). The ECSJI is external to the EICUG and manages all requests of computing resources at host labs (Jefferson Lab and BNL) by any (inter)national group working on the EIC physics. The contact points are:
- Amber Boehnlein (Jefferson Lab, USA) -
- Eric Lancon (BNL, USA) -
Monte Carlo Event Generators
The Monte Carlo Event Generators (MCEG) Working Group is charged to continue the development of MC event generators needed to realize the EIC science program. The MCEG will serve also as a platform for cross-collaboration between theory and experiment, ePIC Collaboration and Detector-2/IP8 Working Group. In particular, it will provide technical expertise and computing support to Detector-2/IP8. The MCEG will continue to coordinate with external theory and phenomenology, simulation and software groups, such as MCNet and the HEP Software Foundation, and will organize events to educate and assist the EIC community in utilizing these tools.
The conveners are:
- Frank Krauss (Durham University, UK) -
- Ilkka Helenius (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) -
Artificial Intelligence
The mission of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group is to develop and maintain connections to the data science community, and engaging with the rapidly evolving AI/ML (Machine Learning) toolset that may impact the realization of the EIC science mission. The AI will organize events to educate and assist the EIC community in utilizing AI/ML techniques in the area of detector design and controls, simulations, data readout and analysis, and theory and phenomenology. The AI will also serve as an entry point to AI applications.
The conveners are:
- Tanja Horn (CUA, USA) -
- Cristiano Fanelli (William & Mary, USA) -
Collaborative Tools
The EICUG community currently supports and is using the following collaborative tools:
- This website
- Google Groups (mailing lists)
- Google Calendar
- Wiki
- Dropbox
- Zenodo documentation database for the EICUG.
- GitHub Pages (for software code management and documentation)
If you have questions or need assistance with the EIC Collaborative Tools, please contact the coordinator: .